Aug 8, 2014

Planning and Cheating {On Your Fitness Goal}

This week has been great! Work went by quickly and smoothly, we've added several new staff members so it's an exciting time! I really do love my job and our team!

My workout plan for the week went sideways, but I got my workouts in, just not as planned. My work schedule has leveled out which has me sleeping really well at night, I'm back to waking up rested and ready to hit life full force which was great on Monday morning at 6 am!!

Here is where I am so far:

Monday: 3.5 miles outside at 12:00 min/mi pace. The smoke was killing me!
Tuesday: 30 minute core strength workout with a friend after work....I NEVER do core so this was big!
Thursday: 4 miles on indoor track at work at 11 min/mi pace. I'm always faster indoors!
Saturday: Considering taking a 45 minute BodyPump Class, we'll see as I'm solo with kiddo

While pounding out the 4 miles on Thursday I got to thinking, I could round up and say I did more than I did to make myself feel better, I could account for all the walking I do! HA! That thought lasted all of one minute. The only person I would be cheating is me! If I really want to do a full Marathon next summer I really have to keep my base up and continue steadily through the fall. When you set a goal is should only be fore you and the only one you cheat is you.

This goal of a full marathon is a big deal to me. Three years ago I couldn't run at all, I had given up running at a very young age after my asthma diagnosis....I lived in fear. Now I know well how to control my asthma so I can enjoy running and thank heaven because I love it so much! This goal is for me and me alone and I'm excited! It will be nice to have such a big goal to keep me motivated through the winter, heck even know when the smoke (from forest fires) has me stuck inside!

Much Love,